Our Weekend Warrior program combines all 4 BARE programs (Power, Fit, Flow and Shape) into a 3 hours training session. From the meeting location, you will be guided to our own BARE hub, a training location 20 minutes uphill from the city.
The Weekend Warrior bootcamp gives you a complete body workout combining calisthenics, cardio, movement and strength training exercises into 1 training session.
All levels are welcome to join our Weekend Warrior bootcamp training. Expect to put on our own BARE T-shirt, train and sweat with us. Sign up today.
Rendezvous in Tai Koo - Walk uphill (20 mins) - BARE FIT (45 mins) - Rest - BARE FLOW (45 mins) - Walk to next location (10 mins) - BARE POWER (45 mins) - BARE SHAPE (45 mins) - Stretch and mindfulness exercises
Sessions alternate between Saturday and Sunday every other week. Refer to SCHDULE for dates of session.
1 x Weekend Warrior (3 hours)
1 x Private 1:1 Training (1 hour)
2 x Weekend Warrior (3 hours)
4 x Private 1:1 Training (1 hour)